100 Target
Aero-Train-Park-Bridge (Green Parks);
100TW AeroNet-energy (Wind-Solar-Wave);
100M Water Battery Aerocars from AeroFactory AeroHangars;
100M users AeroNet-communication (broad band optic fiber cable);
100M tons year Aerofarm-food (algae/fish, all crops 365 aeroponic modular farms);
100M cargo high-way ship/container port-train (under bridge AquaShip/AeroHook/Crain),
100M real estate units Home/Office/Store/Factory Art-Tech Global Incubator Universities;
100M passengers Aerotrain-transport (electric, 9h crossing, $9 seat, $90 cabin, $190 e-car);
100M units Aeroponic Natural Trees/Gardens and Artificial AeroTree (energy, compress gases);
100km Space-Port Electric Accelerator-Elevator cross-pyramid H2/H2O Aeroblock vertical-horizontal pile-up;
100M Mesambulances, 100k Mesclinics, 100 Meshospitals w/ IUI (Health), 100k Jusistem Stations (Security/Justice);
100 cross wing-Island Gcities; Weather-Manager Wind-Wave Stability flow through modular sphere aqua/aeroblock;
above/under water vertical/horizontal kiels/wings mirror-laser/wind-propeller, floor/sky pilars/cable anchors/floaters;
100M liters/day Drinking Water, Hydrogen, Oxygen Production (water heat/electrolisys, energy storage, fuel cell energy);
Building Phases: 1-Sandaerohangar 2-Sandaeroblocks 3-Sandaeronet 4-Sandaeroships 5-Sandaerotrain 6-Sandaerobridge.
EL Gcity
AT Gcity
Sol Gcity
PA Gcity
Asg Gcity
Xan Gcity
Hakalla (Antarctic)
Valhalla (Arctic-Greenland-Alaska)
Hak Gcity
H2O/H2/O2 aero-block electric-photonic space pyramid 4-way elevator-accelerator rockets
Mat Gcity (Matterhorn)
Val Gcity
Mountain/Pyramid Vacuum Tunnel hydrogen-photonic-electric space-cannon can shoot cargo, avatar-bots and laser-rocket-mirror spaceships to escape velocity.
Neb Gcity (Neblina)
Ocean Beach Pier-Port extended east 1km to Gcity, then 1 km west, 1km north/south, then as a cross pyramid, 1 km up to become tallest building in world, producing solar-wind-wave energy, hydrogen, drinking water, farming and housing.
Gcity, Tower, Pyramid, Aerobridge, Aerotrain on land/water control wind/wave excess movement by cube-sphere pass-trough shape, aqua-aeroblock anchoring, propeller and photo-electric heating/ionization counter movements.
El Gcity/Sol Gcity Amazon/Atlantic
Amazon-Sol-Eldorado Green-Aero-Campus
Mount Roraima, Neblina Summit, Angel Falls, Kaieteur Falls